I recalled seeing some young children making scene while I was shopping in the mall some times. At that time, I was hoping in secretly in my heart that Natalie won't behave like that one day.
I guess kids are kids. When they see something they want or like, they will want you to either buy them, or stay there and play till they bored or dropped.
Last night, while we were in one of those baby apparrels shops, at the Curve, checking out some stroller for Natalie. She saw this interesting toy phone set and started to experiment with the buttons. So when we wanted to try her on one stroller, she simply refused and started screaming away. That was o.k. But when we decided to hop over to the next store, she refused to leave, and squatted down next to the toy phone set as an objection.
Lucky I was with my hubby. So I asked him to handle her, while I was pretend walking out of the shop and hoping that she would follow. But she didn't. What if I was aloneat that moment?
Natalie is a sutbborn little, and is determined to get what she wants. Of course we can't afford to buy her everything she wants. I think we, as parents, shouldn't spoil our chilldren. I remember when I was young my parents led a frugal life, and never spoil us. My mom hardly buy us any toys, while my dad was a bit more generous. The only one toy my mom ever bought me was this little teddy bear I had. The one and only.
However, I remembered making a fuss during one CNY shopping spree, in some night market. I saw this top and bottom which I really liked.(Of course every year we only got to buy two set each.) But mom said it was too expensive and refused to get me... I was about 10, think. And I had an auguement with my mom and finally she bought me that set of clothes. But when it comes to toys, I hardly ask my parents for anything, knowing they won't get me. Of course in the end, she gave me more than that, a good degree and a chance of living overseas for 3 1/2 years. That was the most precious gift she had ever given me.
As for Natalie, I don't mind buying her toys, but I just don't want to get her same type of toys if she already has one. Just like that toy phone, she already has one at home which my sister-in-law bought her, so I see no reason getting another one.
So mommies and daddies, what would you do? And how would you handle this type of situation or scene?

If Belle throws a tantrum in the public, we would bring her out (as in out from the store/restaurant). Then we will kneel down and tell her it is unacceptable to throw a tantrum. If she still kicks/yell (which she hardly does), I read somewhere that just bring her to a safe place like your car..and let her vent. Once they are done venting, then you have to tell them what they are doing is wrong and you emphatise them. It works everytime for me when I start to reason out with Belle. Natalie is still young but you will me amaze by their little minds. She may understand you. Give it a try!
i have this all the time since we do grocery shopping together every other day. As for me, i set 3 rules for shopping, no running, no screaming and no crying in supermarket, and i remind her many times before we leave home, she can memorised the 2 rules now. of course sometimes, children below 3 wont stick to the rules and get very excitedly easily. I usually ignore her if she refuse to follow and pretend leaving (actually hiding somewhere), and if she get very stubborn and made a bug fuss (which is rare now), i would kneel down and talk/negotiate with her. Bur before talking to her, made her stop crying first. Also another trick is, telling her what i am going to buy or give her a shopping list, and she enjoys being the helper. When she did a really good job or behave well, i reward her or praise her. She loves that. Just my 2 yens. (^-^) good luck yah.
Kinoko Land
Vien & Kinoko Land,
Thanks for the tips.
Will try them. I think she understands, it's just matter whether she wants to follow or not.