It's been a while since I last update on my pregnancy here.
I'm getting into my week 34, another 6 weeks to go. Weight 70.5kg. Feeling very anxious, and can't wait for the baby to come.
Visible blue veins
And I can see blue veins on my expanding tummy are getting more and more visible, especially on both sides.
Water retention on my feet
Many people have ask me if I have it for this pregnancy. Well, my answer is yes, I have it, especially after a long day. I notice that my ankles swelled up a little at night, but the swelling would disappear in the morning. So I guess it not too bad.
Even during my first pregnancy, I had it at the end of 3rd trimester, with some cramps.
Week 33's Ultrasound
I went for my fortnightly follow up on last Thursday.
The baby's been very playful during the ultrasound. I managed to see his face, though still difficult to tell who he looks, but I could see him opening and closing his mouth. Rubbing his tiny hands over his face, sucking his thumb and so on. So cute. And the gynae also printed out a 3D photo of him for my collection. It's a bit blur, but will post it on here when I have it scanned.
Baby's overall growth seemed fine, with a strong heartbeat. With enough of aqua fluid inside this time, as in Natalie's case, the aqua liquid started to reduce few weeks before the due date and my placenta was aging. Hopefully it won't happen this time.
It has turned. No wonder I have been feeling many kicks from inside my tummy, as he loves to rub his little feet on my tummy. Sometimes when he stretch himself, wow, that's painful. His little head will be pressing on my bladder while his legs will be pushing upward on my tummy. And he loves to do that. A little naughty one is on the way.
Hmmm... I've got a lot backside smacking to do, when he comes out... ahahahaha...just kidding.
Protein in urine
Apart from the little one being healthy, the urine test showed sign of protein, means potential infection. I think I'm having urinal tract infection again, coz I feeling some soreness. Need to call my gynae to inform her and get some antibiotics, as the soreness only started after I came back from the follow-up. And the next follow-up will be 2 weeks, don't think I should wait that longer. Urinal tract infection can be very serious, if left untreated. I'm very paranoid.
Can I go for natural birth?
I also asked about the natural birth and caeserean possibility. As usual, all doctors are the same, there are times when they just refuse to tell you too much for some reasons. I found it annoying as I'm the type who love to find out every details about things I want to know, don't kow when I become like that, I wasn't like that few years back. Maybe I AM THAT paranoid.
Oh well, she did mention I can try and my chances of having natural birth is slightly lower, about 60% to 70%, than those who haven't had ceaserean before, with a another possible emergency ceaserean. Let's see what happen. Meanwhile just pray for the best.