Hoo hoo... payperpost (PPP) had finally approved Dolphinitis blogspot last month, but I was too busy with Max and had no time to sit down and work on anything seriosuly.
To kick start my PPP writerhood, this is it, to write about PPP.
I’d long heard about PPP, even before I started this blog, through blogs which I frequent. It’s an interesting way for bloggers to make some extra cash while doing what they like, blogging.
However, I wasn’t keen on signing up with PPP as I knew that I didn’t have time to blog often, to meet their minimum requirement. It’s because I have a day job, and at night I have to take care of my darling daughter, Natalie. I was still a new mother who was trying to juggle between work and family, so is now with Max, the crying baby.
Meanwhile I have another two blogs to take care of, my chinese blog, Dolphinever blogspot, and my photolg, Lifeisadarling blogspot. After all, I tend to spend more of my time with Dolphinever, with my emotional entries, about my late mom, and others.
Now that Natalie is getting older and with a new member in the family, baby Max, well, money not enough. It’s time to look for ways to make some extra cash by writing paid posts.
Also, I've more topics to blog, about pregnancy, parenting as well as journal for Natalie and Max. It means I’ll spend more time and effort in the blog. The blog is slowly build up with content to meet PPP’s requirement. So why not give it a try.
What do I think of PPP?
Well, I started with Smorty to test water and to see if I can manage it. Well, I have to admit that writing review is addictive. Apart from the money, it’s fun and addictive to write. It makes me use my brain. Sometimes, when I breastfed Max, I thought of ideas for all these reviews though I have no time.
However, my first attempt of submitting my blog was rejected. So I tried PPP Direct. It’s still no result so far. Later I tried again before I went for my labour, after Dolphinitis has met PPP’s minimum requirement. Finally it’s approved!
One of the things I like about payperpost is they have a numbers of available opportunities, if one don’t mind the price tag. And some are really interesting to write about. However all of them are grabbed fast like hot cakes. And I was always late… never mind.
Also it’s exciting yet sad to see all those red and grey coloured opportunities as some of them would be fun to blog, such as food flavourings, car wallpapers and others.
However, PPP takes about 30 days to approve a submitted post. It means the payout will take longer time. Oh well sometimes it is better to keep moving on and writing whenever I have time, without thinking about the earning too much. As I believe when the time (money) comes, the sense of reward is greater. Don’t you think so?
How would I spend my extra earning?
Simple! Rule number ONE, whenever I get paid, I always pay myself first. Every dollar I earn I’m saving it for my two little darlings. This is my main reason to blog for money. What about you?
After all, one has to love what he or she is doing with passion. I’d spent a few years finding my passions. Now that I’ve found them, other than my family, I love surfing, web designing (I mean beautifying my blog) and of course, blogging during leisure. So why not killing two birds with one stone; making some small income via something I enjoy doing for my family?