I've been pray that one day I can write about this, to share with mommies who has ONE caeserean and would like to have a varginal birth in their next pregnancy.
Both my pregnancy were planned long before I even conceived with Natalie.
But after I delivered Natalie via caeserean, my gynae warned me that I shouldn't conceive within the first 6 months to avoid complications. I was worried that my initial plan of conceiving again when Natalie reached one would be ruined due to my caeserean wound.
So I followed my gynae's advice, took good care of my wound. When Natalie was 8 months old, I revisited my gynae to check if I could start trying again. Thank goodness she gave me the green light to go ahead. It was early January 2007. She said that we could start trying end of Jan or early Feb. And I'll be allowed to try for natural birth as the previous complications was because of fetal distress prior to my due date.
I was really excited and started to prepare for it, I mean eating right. I took the steam "Gao Li Shen"(高丽参) water, which is normally used by ladies who had miscarriage, to rejuvenate the womb for conception.
It was CNY, I thought I had missed my ovulation. But I thought just give it a try, hoping we could catch the last boat. However, little did I know that my ovulation was late that month due to my anxiety.
So happened the next day I fell sick due to food poisoning and I was given antibiotic, but I told my GP that I was trying to conceive, so she gave something safe.
Then a week or two later, I got on the wrong bed, and had a stiff. It was so painful, so I went to see a "sensai"(*TCMD). He gave acupuncture and some Chinese medicine which contain Red Flower(红花). In the old days, the Chinese use it for abortion.
I took the pills one day. Then I stopped with the feeling that I might have conceived, though I did five tests but all negative.
On 20 March 2007, my period still missing in action. With a mixed of hesitation and anticipation I repeated the test, as I still have this pregnant feeling. Finally I saw this very very faint second pink line. Quickly I took the test to my gynae. And she confirmed it with an internal ultrasound but she said that the 3 weeks old embryo Max was smaller than it should. It's either the conception was late or the pregnancy might be an unhealthy one. And she asked me to come back the following week...(to be continue)

What type of 高丽参?
I would like to know in more details.
How to email you arr?