Gosh Max is certainly a crier. He cries when is wet. He cries when he's hungry. He cries when he want to poo. He cries when he's colic. He cries and cries and cries, even after feeding. Gosh!
My plan always get ruined just when I thought he should resting and quiet, and I can do something like takinga nap. He will start crying. When I do everything I can to settle him, he still cries, certainly for comforting. So I comfort and he sleeps.
But when I thought he settles, thought closing my eyes, he starts crying again.
Now I'm wondering should I give him a pacifier. Frankly I HATE the idea, because it can confuse Max in breastfeeding, though he seems to have learned how to latch on better than before. And I hate to use it, coz my MIL loves to use it. And see what she has done to Natalie. She can't sleep in the afternoon without it, and my MIL still using that darn pram to rock her to sleep in the afternoon besides the pacifier. And I really hate that.
When Natalie was born, she kept pastering me to use it, as Natalie disturbed her sleeping when it's her turn to look after her. Now I don't know how to make Natalie get out of that habit when she is going to be 20 months old soon.
O.k back to Max. He seems to like sucking for comfort, I can't offer my breast for that, coz it will be a big problem to moment I'm going to back to work. But I really want to help Max to learn self-soothing without using a pacifier or sucking. How? I'm really clueless cow. Any idea, mommies?
Manage to find this site for tip on handling crying baby. But I'm not sure if they help or do I have the patience.*Sigh*

Just be thankful your MIL isn't like my in-laws. Belle has always been a bad sleeper/napper. She used to wake up at the slightest noise...and it's all my in-laws doing. They will keep the house so quiet you can even hear a mouse squeeking. Annnnd, they will cradle her in their arms throughout her entire nap just so she could sleep longer! Sei mou?! This time I have warned them and Jon never ever do that to Baby C. Otherwise, they take care of her at night. Yea, i'm still peeved about it.
爱不释手. Cradling Belle in arms the entire nap, my MIL is the last person will do that, coz she doesn't have the patience. That's why she gives her the pacifier and the pram.
But I did cradle Natalie to sleep, not the entire night. Die la. But I am not going to be repeat the same thing to Max. Don't want to pamper him as he's already a crying baby. Don't want make matter worst.
babies cry, its what they do, but i wouldnt shy away from using the breast as a means of comfort- when you go back to work, i would say a pacifier would not be a bad idea- so long as you intend to deal with breaking the habit EARLY (we were forced into giving our son one as my parents intentionally gave him one behind our backs at about 3mo and he simply couldnt handle going to sleep without it after and it kind of stuck)-- but when he turned about 7 mo we just didnt get it out, daycare never offered it ect.. and it was almost an out of sight out of mind kind of thing- as long as you are still breastfeeding at that point you can use the suckling response as soothing comfort at bed time and it will just be almost like removing a feed during the day) supposedly pacifiers are now attributed to helping curb the risk of sids to some degree? so.. i would say i wouldnt completely rule it out- they can be helpful- but use them sparingly-- take them out after the baby falls asleep- dont offer at the slightest whimper ect ect only when absolutely necessary past that- your only options are swaddling, gently shushing, and swaying/swinging-- rocking and singing can help some too-
Thanks for dropping by. Sorry for the late reply.
I want Max to learn to sooth himself without it. That's I'm still relunctant to offer it, though I'm still open for it if I have to.
After seeing what my MIL did to my daughter, offering it whenever she cries unsparingly. I'm scared. She abused everything within her mean. Her shortcut.
And my daughter is now 20 mons. Yesterday my MIL was asking me if I have a new one. I said:"No"
Then she asked if she can use the one that my friends gave Max as a present. Gosh! It's for infant.
See how desperate she is...*slap head*