Nowadays I let Max cry to sleep after the last feed of the day, at about 12 to 2am in the morning. I'll burp him, check his diaper, apply some minyak angin Yu Yi to warm his tummy and cuddle him close to me for some time. And if none of those work, I will leave him on his cot, off the lights and let him cry. Sounds a little cruel.
But I have to train him. I can overly pamper him.
I guess he is learning it too, as he'll normally cry for a while. If I don't response, he'll quiet down for a while and cry again. Then quiet down...
And finally he'll stop after about 10 to 15 minutes, look around, and fall asleep on his own.
I feel sorry for him though. But he needs to learn.
And all I need is patience...