Since the night before, I'm down with bad flu and terrible sore throat. I'm getting better though, with the stronger medications.
I went to see a doctor, he gave me some medicine I used to take during pregnancy, which are safe for breastfeeding. But they just not effective enough. So I decided to go for some stronger ones, like Actifec, which is really effective in getting rid of flu, and the Extra Strong Strepsils. And I stop direct breastfeeding Max since last night, though I tried. But luckily he didn't want it when I offered.
Coz this morning I called my GP to ask him about the stronger medication and found out that the Extra Strong Strepsils are not so safe for baby, as well as Actifec. They can cause agitation in baby. So the milk that expressed since last night have to be discarded and it's heartaching to throw them away, as every drop counts. However, I don't want to take any risk of making Max more agitated, as he is already one fussy little baby at times.