
A Blessed Natural Birth After Caeserean Journey 03

A Blessed Natural Birth After Caeserean Journey 01
A Blessed Natural Birth After Caeserean Journey 02

I was admitted at 1pm on Saturday afternoon, 10 Nov 2007.

Actually on that day, we had a little episode on our way to the hospital. We were caught in this massive traffic jam from NKVE toll all the way to Kerinchi toll. Well the whole pJ was badly congested on that day. Only God knows what went wrong. I was so worried that Max would come out before we reached the hospital...

Thank God, he was well-behaved till the next morning...

Before that I had only mild contraction. I could still happily enjoyed my McChicken Deluxe Combo while watching tv.

The real pain only kicked in after 12am.

At 4am, the contraction became more regular and intense. I told the nurse the pain was getting unbearable.

"Did it feel like shitting?" One of the nurse asked me.
"Yeah."I replied. So she checked for dilation, and it was already 6cm.
"Good. Most likely baby will come another 4 hours..."she told me.
4 hours? I thought. 4 hours was a long time though the pain only come at the end of every contraction.

The nurse did ask me if I wanted the epidural. But I was firm with my intial decision, NO epidural, as I was worried about my caeserean wound.

But later they gave me some painkiller jab and the laughing, after that I was in a half-sleep mode, drifting in and out of sleep. It was painful but I somehow managed to get on with it.

Well, it wasn't that painful actually as there was a break between each contraction.

Comparing my previous experience, caeserean, this was a much pleasant experience.

As it was getting closer and closer to the final stage, the nurse were getting ready for the birth, setting up.

Ding Dong Ding Dong, 10cm, time to call the doctor. But before that, the nurse had a hard time trying to break my water bag... Hahaha...

Then the doctor came in.

The most difficult part, push the baby out. It felt a massive constipation and having a hard time to poo...

After a few pushes, the doctor decided to use the vacuum. One suction and Max was out. What a GREAT relief.

In my heart I was saying, "Thank you, God." And I was very grateful and proud.


Frankie said...

haha..the way you describe sound like very easy...kekkeke

dolphine said...


That's my message...

It's easier than least to me:)

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