Did your PageRank get spanked recently? If you say yes, and it's because you do paid post.
Well, it's time to change and think RealRank.
What's RealRank and how it affects you?
RealRank is the ranking system created by people at Izea Ranks. It's a ranking system will weight a blog 70% based on its daily unique visitors, 20% on its daily active inbound links and the last 10% by its daily page views.
All you need to do is just sign up with Izea Ranks, get the IZEA Toolkit(ITK) tracking code and embed it in your blog. The ITK will start the tracking and collecting of the data. RealRank's transparent scoring algorithm, on measuring a blog's actual traffic and its influence throughout the blogosphere, is more relevant and realistic.
All these collected data will enable advertisers to analyze the potential of blogs, and identify their target market, which will then directly influence their decisions on online advertising campaign.
With the real data Izea Ranks provided, advertisers as well as bloggers will be able to compare traffic between different blogs. Every week Izea Ranks will showcase the Top100 based on the collected data.
However, the ranking system is still at its infancy. In order to make it a blogsphere standard, Izea Ranks need to get more users to particiapte in order to be able to pool in more real data for comparison. That's why I'm write about it.