
How to improve your blog traffic, blog rush it!

Just saw this BlogRush thing from JohnChow's site. I've signed up for it instantly:) and thought of sharing it here with my fellow blog friends. I also sent out an invitation to some of you; Vien, Mumsgather and...

Another blog stat's tool? Something like that but more. But it's not a money making tool, but traffic generator.

Almost real-time blog traffic stat
First it provides close to real-time stat, with perhaps a few minutes delay.

The moment you sign up, it'll take a 12-24 hours before your stat can be actually displayed in the Dashboard. So I haven't been able to see my Dolphinitis' and Life is a Darling's stat figure.

At the moment I'm using Google Analytic and MyBlogLog to keep track of my daily blog stat. However, neither of them are real-time. That's why I'm trying out BlogRush.

More than just stat...
Here's another advantage of BlogRush , it doesn't allow you to keep track your blog stat, but it helps to generate more traffic, the RIGHT traffic, and bring in more readers to your blog.

How? You ask. By adding the widget BlogRush widget into your blog *image*

When our blog page is loaded, the BlogRush widget on our blog will load with a set of 5 links. They called this the syndication credits.

Meanwhile you'll also have one of your recent post titles loaded inside of a BlogRush widget on other blogs, which are in the same category of yours.

Here's the math: if your blog gets 50 total pages a day, and you'll have one of your recent post titles showed across BlogRush network 50 times a day. The math doesn't stop here...

If BloggerA click on one of those 2 links (see left image, one of the red dots), then sign up with BlogRush and start hosting the widget on his blog, they'll signed up as your referral.

So when Blogger B goes to A's blog that has the widget, you also get one of your post titles showed across B's network which share the same category. This will increase the exposure of your blog.... and the math goes on, up to 10th generation referrals.

And all the referrals information, and the traffic they brings are all available in BlogRush Dashboard, so you can keep track of where your traffic from, who brings them and so on. Sounds cool eh?

Can be better
Well, the things which I don't like about the widget are, its category option, and I can't customise the widget to suit my blog layout. Hopefully they'll improve that in future.

Readers and traffic are bloggers' inspiration. Increase of readership in your blog is very encouraging.

Also, I think it's a useful tool for bloggers who do paid posts, it can help to improve your Page Rank.

Not to forget those who have Advertlets or Nuffnangs ad on their blog/s, as it also help generate more pageviews to your blog.

Just give it a try. And see for yourself.

And Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! everyone. :)


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