After 3 tests I did at home, 2 at different clinics, and all came back negative. My anxiety level has already reached its top. I' was going nuts.
Despites of all the negative responses, I felt pregnant.(This's what they called woman's instinct)
As usual I also prayed and asked for a sign for confirmation (something seemed silly but worked for me). And the answer was a positive one, against all the odds.
If you ask me if I took the sign seriously, I would say YES, 70% convinced. In my case, modern science had failed me, in its accuracy.
So I decided that I should wait till Monday, which was yesterday, and see.
Monday, still no AF. I was caught in between whether to get another test, or not. As the chance of wasting another 8 bucks on a negative result was high. In the end I gave in to the temptation and bought one. Close to buying an ovulation kit.
Anyway, my instinct was right.
And this morning, first thing I did, repeated the test, with a mixed feeling. Despite the fact that I've prepared for another "NO", but I was secretly hoping for a "YES".
After the simple procedure, my eyes were fixed at the little rectangular window on the reaction pack, observing the hormone-chemical thing took effect. It bleed in to the "T" mark area and out of it. And left a visible faint pink line.(This's the key. If Not Pregnant, there would be NO line at "T" mark, only one darker pink line at "C" mark)
I couldn't hold myself from laughing out, calling out to my DH, to come and confirm what I saw. I was overwhelmed.
"Wait, you settled down first." He was making milk for my DD.
We waited another minute or so.
Then two lines we saw, one darker than the other.
Immediately I called in to office for time off, to go to see my gynae.
After a scan, we could only see a vague little sack.
Yes, I'm pregnant, but the embryo is still too little to actually be seen clearly with ultrasound. We have to wait for another one or two weeks to see whether the conception is healthy or otherwise.
By calculation, the embryo should be 3 weeks old, somehow it seems smaller than it should be.
2 explanations:
1. Ovulation late and heace the conception was delayed. Miscalculation.
2. The anti-depressant that I'm taking has delayed the development of the embryo. And what else? (O.k. imagination is running wild, and touch wood)
I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the first possibility, miscalculation.
All I can do now is to pray that the conception is totally healthy and normal, continue my folic acid faithfully and let nature takes its course.
And I 'm going back for follow-up next week.