Ever since I had Natalie, I've been dwelling on possiblities that allow me to work from home. So that I can spend more time with her.
Now that I have Max, the desire of working from home is growing stronger.
Online business has been one of the areas that I've been considering. Online business no doubt has great potential but it's also very competitive, as many people have already jumped on the bandwagon. The most popular option is blogging. And there are companies offers themselves as the middle man to connect bloggers with advertisers.There are many other online business ideas which are shared by Experienced People about Where's there's free, there's money.
What they are sharing are simple ways of making money online, such as buying and selling websites, Ebay trading and so on. You can also find out ideas of how to work from home with your skills and passions.
Besides, they also have a complied list of websites and contacts which can help the middle-aged experienced of individual to find job opportunities and trainings course.
They have some simple yet interesting ideas which are worth checking out.
With these interesting ideas the Experienced People share, all you need is just to add a bit of creativity and originality, you and I can also make something work.
Mee Ling,
Same to you. :) Merry Christmas!